dilluns, 16 d’abril del 2012


Aqüeducte del Garrofer.

Sostre de l'aqüeducte del Garrofer.
Sa la de les columnes (originàriament anava a ser un mercat per això hi ha  fusió entre pedra i ceràmica. S'aprecia que  són columnes d'ordre dòric).
Medallons de Jujol que significaven diferents moments del sol  i la lluna
Escalinata gran, ja que representa que puja a un temple. Imiten merlots per els laterals i al llarg de la pujada hi  trobem varis elements com ara el medalló amb les 4 barres, un cap de serp, el drac o salamandra, un tripode vermell i verd i un banc on a l'estiu hi dona l'ombra i a l'hivern el sol

Perk Güell, the work of the architect Antoni Gudí, is one of the most emblematic spots. Situated at a hight of 150 meters above sea level, on a plot of land with steep gradients, it displays a perfect symbiosis between stone and nature.

At the end of the 19th century, Count Eusebi Güell bought a vast rural estate with the intention of creating a housing development in keeping with the garden-city model which was in fashion then. He commissioned the work from his architect friend Antoni Gaudí. The project however did not meet with favour and in 1914 it was interrupted , when some of the collective features were already built (the entrances, the market and the square), as well as the 3km long network of paths with viaducts, steps and walls.
In 1922, six years after the death of Eusebi Güell, Barcelona City Council bought the estate to convert it into a public park, which would open its gates a year later. The ensemble was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1984.
Over the years, various works have been carried out in order to preserve it in all its splendour and make it accessible to all. In the integral restoration completedin 2006 the park was made more accessible.

The part built by Antoni Gaudí remains the park's main attraction. The architect left numerous exhibits of his wild imagination there, and charged it with symbolism and mystery. The monumental entrance, the great square with the trencadís-covered bench and the Hypostyle Hall, which had been intended to be used as a market in the initial project, are all good examples of this.

In order to strike a balance between stone and nature, a lot of care was taken to protect the existing vegetation and to include indigenous plant species in the park's design. Nowadays, the site forms a large wooded area where there is an abundance of carob, oak and Holm oak trees, surrounded by thick undergrowth, with the later addition of other planted trees.

There are three distinct areas in Park Güell. They suggest three different routes for a structured visit of all of the areas of interest. Always take the Carrer d'Olot park entrance as the starting point.
Antoni Gaudí (1878)

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